East Pottawattamie SWCD 82nd Annual Report
The East Pottawattamie 82nd Annual Report has been published, for the year 2024! Read on to find out what we have all been up to this past year!
This year's annual report includes a review of the SWCD's accomplishments this year, this year's winners of the Soil and Water Conservation District awards, information on cost share opportunities and equipment available through our office, statistics on acres of cover crops and terraces, an update on dry hydrants in our county, information on how to join the SouthWest Iowa Soil Health (SWISH) team, updates on our education and outreach programs, and much more!
To view our 2024 Annual Report click here!

East Pottawattamie SWCD Community Meeting
A community meeting is scheduled for Thursday, April 4th at 9:00am at the East Pottawattamie SWCD Office (321 Oakland Ave. Oakland, IA) to discuss a Five-Year Soil & Water Resource Conservation Plan: 2025 - 2029.
We would like to extend this invitation to landowners, lenders, land managers, and producers to be part of the discussion as we go forth to develop a long range plan for conservation.
Please RSVP to the East Pottawattamie SWCD Office at (712) 482-6486 or by email at swcdeducation@gmail.com. We hope to see you there!

East Pottawattamie SWCD 81st Annual Report
The East Pottawattamie 81st Annual Report has been published, for the year 2023! Read on to find out what we have all been up to this past year!
This year's annual report includes a review of the SWCD's accomplishments this year, this year's winners of the Soil and Water Conservation District awards, personal stories from NRCS Staff members, information on cost share opportunities and equipment available through our office, statistics on acres of cover crops, information on how to join the SouthWest Iowa Soil Health (SWISH) team, native prairie plantings in Iowa, the RCPP program, and updates on our Education and Outreach programs, an update on dry hydrants in Pottawattamie County, and much more!
To view our 2023 Annual Report click here!

East Pottawattamie SWCD 2024 Conservation Scholarship Winner
Congratulations to our 2024 East Pottawattamie SWCD Conservation Scholarship Winner, Nicholas Denning!
Nicholas will be graduating from AHSTW this Spring and plans to attend Iowa State University in the fall. He will be pursuing a field of study in Ag Business and Finance. Nicholas will receive a $500 scholarship at the district level.
Congratulations Nicholas!

CDI Conservation Scholarship
We are now accepting applications for our CDI Conservation Scholarship.
If you, or someone you know, is a high school senior class of 2024, and is planning on perusing a field of study in Conservation and/or Agriculture, please consider applying.
Students have a chance to be awarded a $500 scholarship at the district level, and scholarships up to $3,000 if they are chosen to move on to regional and state level.
For more information see the attachments to this post, or email our Education Coordinator, Laura Monson, at swcdeducation@gmail.com. Applications can be sent to that email, as well as printed and brought into the Oakland NRCS Field Office. Applications due, February 9th, 2024.

Pottawattamie Beaver Bounty Program
It's open season for beaver hunting!
Pottawattamie County has adopted a Beaver Bounty Program; allowing people that harvest beavers for their pelts during trapping season to be paid $25 per beaver harvested in Pottawattamie County. The season is now open (12/11/23) and ends April 15th.
To receive a reward, participants must adhere to the rules and regulations of the Iowa Department of Natural Resources and follow the specific steps outlined by Pottawattamie County.
For this information, additional information, claim forms, and W-9 forms; follow this link!

Women Land and Legacy December 2023 Newsletter
The December 2023 Women, Land and Legacy Newsletter has been released!
In this month's edition you will find reflections on the past twenty years of WLL, messages from the WLL State Team members, the revised WLL Value Statement, and a Thank You to all of those who have made WLL a success for 20 years!
To read the December 2023 WLL Newsletter

This month, we're celebrating "No-Till November" here at the NRCS and the SWCD. During the month of November we'll be encouraging farmers and ranchers to keep the stubble and give their farm a more rugged, natural look.
Soil is like the skin of the farm: it's a nourishing barrier for what grows above and beneath. But whereas a shaving razor stops at the surface of the skin, tillage rips into the soil and can inflict harm.
No-Till improves soil health by not disturbing soil microbiology. Beneficial soil microbes are essential for growing food, fiber, and fuel.
Still not convinced to #keepthestubble? No-till saves time, money (fuel) and wear on equipment. It's an economically, and environmentally, sound choice.
It's Finally No-Till November!

Our Haybuster 10' drill is available for $15.00/acre with a $50 minimum use fee. Using a No-Till Drill helps to prevent erosion, decreases compaction, and helps to minimize soil disturbance.
If you are interested in checking out our No-Till Drill, call our office at (712) 482-6486 to be place on the reservation list. A lease/waiver is signed when checking it out, and each user is expected to clean it out and grease prior to returning.
New No-Till Drill

Increased Cost Share
The East Pottawattamie Soil and Water Conservation District increased the state and L.O.S.T. funds cost share assistance from 50% to 75% for most practices on September 21st, 2023. Practices include terraces, waterways, water and sediment control basins, tilling, and grade stabilization structures. Terrace upgrades also increased from a flat rate of $0.35 to $0.50 per foot. Please contact the Oakland NRCS Office at 712-482-6486 for more information.

Women Land and Legacy October 2023 Newsletter
The October 2023 Women, Land and Legacy Newsletter has been released!
In this month's edition you can read about the two newest chapters of WLL, meet the WLL State Team Members, how women in Iowa are leading farmland conservation efforts, and upcoming opportunities to get involved with Women Land and Legacy.
To read the October 2023 WLL Newsletter

Farm Bill Wildlife Biologist Quarterly Report
July-September 2023
New record of the Northern Flower Moth!
Take a look at the most recent (July-Sept 2023) Farm Bill Wildlife Biologist Quarterly Report, from our Wildlife Biologist Tabitha Panas!
She writes: "This past quarter, I had the opportunity to help landowners plan for CRP to be implemented next year, and plan other habitat improvement practices through programs like EQIP and CSP. Landowners are able to apply for funding for activities like timber stand improvement, native grass and wildflower plantings, and prescribed fire. USDA has a large amount of funding available, and our batching deadline for landowners to apply is November 3rd.
Managing our woodlands and grasslands so that they have a high diversity in plant species, ensures that..."
To read more about what Tabitha has been up to

The History of the Original Government Survey of Pottawattamie County
Maps and Survey Notes of Original Government Survey of Pottawattamie County, Iowa: Prepared by George M. Hilton.
The original government survey of Pottawattamie County, Iowa was made by contract surveyors in the years 1851 and 1852. Twelve Deputy Surveyors were employed to do the work. The procedure uniformly followed by the Deputy Surveyors and their parties working in Pottawattamie County, was in conformity with the laws of the United States and with the instructions issued to them by George B. Sargent, Surveyor General of the United States for Wisconsin and Iowa....
Read on to discover more about the history of surveying!

Opportunities Available for Farmers and Landowners to Create or Enhance Wildlife Habitat on Private Lands!
With a November 3rd application deadline right around the corner, Pottawattamie USDA Service Center would like to remind farmers and landowners of the significant funding opportunities within NRCS's Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) to establish high-quality habitat for wildlife.
EQIP offers landowners an opportunity to receive a one-time incentive payment to install a wide array of conservation practices that can not only improve soil health and water quality but also create and improve wildlife habitat. Diverse, native habitat is critically important to sustaining healthy populations of wildlife species ranging from monarch butterflies and native bees to game species like pheasant and white-tailed deer.
A few examples of conservation activities available under this program include establishing native prairie, filter strips, contour buffer strips, edge-feathering along timber, planting trees and shrubs, removing undesirable woody brush, or invasive species removal. Other practices available aim to improve the productivity of your cropland by using no-till and cover crops.
Local USDA field office staff can assist landowners and producers with their habitat project every step of the way, for a variety of goals including creating habitat for pollinators, helping reduce erosion, increasing soil health, controlling invasive species, providing quality forage for livestock and making agricultural operations more resilient and productive.
Applications for the EQIP are accepted on a continuous basis, but the cutoff for this current round of funding is November 3rd, 2023.
For more information about EQIP and other assistance available through the USDA Service Center, contact your local Pheasants Forever Biologist, Tabitha Panas at (402) 506-0101 or by e-mail: tpanas@pheasantsforever.org or contact your local USDA Service Center.

77th Annual Conservation Districts of Iowa Convention
East Pottawattamie SWCD Members attended the 77th Conservation Districts of Iowa Annual Convention!
They presented resolutions at a state level and advocated for landowners, producers, and the communities of East Pottawattamie this past week. Members in attendance this year were (left to right).
John Thomas, RC&D Golden Hills ; Commissioners Kieth Hotze, Bob Zimmerman, Ast. Commissioner Norma Bolton, Commissioners Pete Hobson, Kami Willet: Chair, and Terry Gleaves: East Pottawattamie SWCD District Conservationist.

New Cost Share Opportunities in the West Nishnabotna Watershed
"The Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP) promotes coordination of NRCS conservation activities with partners that offer value-added contributions to expand our collective ability to address on-farm, watershed, and regional natural resource concerns. Through RCPP, NRCS seeks to... implement projects that demonstrate innovative solutions to conservation challenges and provide measurable improvements...." USDA
Eligible practices within this new opportunity include: Cover crops, denitrifying bioreactors, grade stabilization structures, streambank and shoreline protection, and terraces.
For more information about conservation planning and financial assistance, please contact your local NRCS office. Or, click

Take a look at the newest Farm Bill Wildlife Biologist report to find out what our wildlife biologist, Tabitha Panas, has been up to!
"April through June of this year has been fantastically busy and fun. I was able to get out into the field quite a bit, meeting with landowners that have new and establishing grassland seedings through various programs like CRP, EQIP, or Prairie Partners. Native seedings take a few years to get established, and I have noticed a trend that landowners planting grassland...."
To read on...
Farm Bill Wildlife Biologist Quarterly Report
April - June 2023

Women Land and Legacy July 2023 Newsletter
The July 2023 Women, Land and Legacy Newsletter has been released!
In this month's edition you can read about WLL's plan to guide the next five years, the 2023 Iowa Women in Agriculture Conference, the WLL State Team Members, women-led organizations that serve to empower Iowa female farm/ land owners.
If you'd like to read the July 2023 WLL Newsletter
click !

Farm Bill Wildlife Biologist Quarterly Report
January - March 2023
Take a look at the newest Farm Bill Wildlife Biologist report to find out what our wildlife biologist, Tabitha Panas, has been up to!
"Spring is in the air and folk are bust planning for the next growing season. I have been working with who will not only be planting crops, but also planting habitat in the Conservation Reserve Program in the upcoming months. The most popular CRP practices I am seeing are native seeding filterstrips and other upland bird habitat practices that....
To read on...

East Pottawattamie County Soil and Water Conservation District celebrates 82nd Annual Soil and Water Conservation Week!
East Pottawattamie County Soil and Water Conservation District celebrates 82nd
Annual Soil and Water Conservation Week!
We are excited to celebrate the 82nd Annual Soil and Water Conservation Week (SWCW)
from April 30th to May 7th, 2023!
The 2023 SWCW theme is "One Water", to raise awareness of how important it is to
protect our water resources in Iowa and nationwide.
This week is an opportunity to recognize conservation and sustainability practices
underway on Iowa's landscape and bring attention to the ongoing
work by farmers, landowners and urban residents to protect the state's soil and water
We join Iowa's 100 Soil and Water Conservation Districts, the Iowa Department of
Agriculture and Land Stewardship, the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
and others who provide leadership in soil health, soul conservation, water quality and
the protection and enhancement of Iowa's natural resources.
"Much has been accomplished in the last 82 years of conservation work in Iowa", states Ramona Nitz, President of Conservation Districts of Iowa, the statewide organization that supports Iowa's elected Soil and Water Conservation District Commissioners who work within our local communities to provide resources that assist landowners in caring for the land. "We celebrate these accomplishments during this week and seek to communicate the opportunities all Iowans have to become involved in conservation through their local Soil and Water Conservation District."
We will be doing a lot to celebrate this SWCW! This past month multiple schools and students of different grade levels have been working on their submissions for the CDI Poster Contest! We will also celebrating Arbor Day by planting trees with 5th graders, plus a Conservation Trailer event with 2nd graders, at Treynor Elementary School. Additional class visits to AHSTW and Riverside to celebrate SWCW. AND one of our biggest events of the year, the 5th Grade Botna Bend Field Day also falls within this week, in partnership with Riverside and AHSTW, IDALS, and NRCS. Thank you to everyone involved in each of these events for helping us spread the word on conservation and land stewardship!
This Soil and Water Conservation Week is sure to be a great one!! If you'd like to learn more about SWCW, how we will be celebrating, or how you can celebrate, you are welcome to contact us through Facebook message, call us at (712) 482-6486, or come to the field office and visit with us!

East Pottawattamie SWCD 80th Annual Report
The East Pottawattamie 80th Annual Report has been published, for the year 2022! Read on to find out what we have all been up to this past year!
This year's annual report includes information on cost share opportunities, this year's winners of the Soil and Water Conservation District awards, events and field days we have held, information on cover crops, personal stories from our staff members, statistics on acres of terraces and cover crops, what dry hydrants are and why they are important, the history of the Eastern Red Cedar, soil health testing, our education programs, a review of our accomplishments this year, and much more!
To view our 2022 Annual Report click here!
General CRP Sign Up Now Open - Feb. 27 - April 7th, 2023
The general CRP sign-up will be open from February 27th and go through to April 7th, 2023. General CRP offers are ranked based on things like location, soils, the practice, and they are competitive against other applications. However the sign up for Continuous CRP is not limited to a specific time frame, and you may apply at any time. Continuous CRP offers are automatically accepted IF they meet eligibility requirements.
CRP hels to control soil erosion, improve water quality, and develop wildlife habitat. If you would like to learn more about CRP, it's benefits and how to sign up, call your local FSA or NRCS office, or view the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) Fact Sheet by clicking this button!
Women, Land and Legacy
- February 2023 Newsletter

The February 2023 Women, Land & Legacy Newsletter has been released! In this month's edition you can read about the newest WLL chapter, who the WLL state team members are, how gender affects successions and transfers of Iowa Farms, and upcoming opportunities with Women, Land & Legacy!
To read the WLL Newsletter click the box below!:
Iowa Learning Farms Cover Crop Workshop
ILF will be hosting a cover crop workshop on Tuesday, February 21st at the Walnut Community Center, from 12:00-2:00PM! This workshop for farmers, landowners, and conservation professionals, is completely free, and a meal will be provided!
If you would like to attend, please R.S.V.P by February 13th to (515)294-5429 or by email at ilf@iastate.edu.
To see the complete flier, click here:

The East Pottawattamie Soil and Water Conservation District invites you to our annual Awards Night and Soup Supper! This is a free will offering and fundraising event. Please come out and support your local Soil & Water Conservation District!
Our Awards Night will be held on Monday, January 30th, 2023 at 6:00pm at the Oakland Community Center.
We'd love to see you there! If you plan on attending, please R.S.V.P. to Susan Rush at (712)482-6486.
To view the informational flier on this event, click here:
Farm Bill Wildlife Biologist Quarterly Report - October-December 2022
"This last quarter before the new year, I was busy working on a number of new projects, as well as monitoring and assessing existing projects. The Loess Hills area has been busy with new Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) and Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) applications that benefit wildlife. CSP has been a new program for me, but I have enjoyed learning how to assist landowners with all CSP has to offer relating to wildlife practices. Some of the practices within these programs include prescribed fire, native species seeding, and invasive species removal." - Tabitha Panas
- To read more click below!
CDI & East Pottawattamie SWCD Now Accepting Applications for CDI Scholarship.
"CDI is partnering with local Soil and Water Conservation Districts (SWCD) to foster the higher education endeavors of Iowa students interested in conservation and agriculture by offering scholarships. Iowa High School Class of 2023 students pursuing programs of study in any field of conservation or agriculture qualifies for the Conservation Scholarship. The scholarship must be used for the student's first year of college education. Apply, or see more information below!

Farm Bill Wildlife Biologist Quarterly Report - July-Sept. 2022
This past quarter I have been working with landowners signing up for continuous CRP, helping to train new staff, writing wildlife plans, and working to re-enroll acres into the Iowa Habitat Access Program, but a large part of my workload has been spent on EQIP related projects. Pottawattamie county especially has a large number of EQIP applications for wildlife practices...
- To read more click below!
Women, Land, and Legacy
- October 2022 Newsletter
In this month's edition of the Women, Land, and Legacy Newsletter you'll find information regarding plans for expansion and events in 2023! There are also two articles included; titled Prairie Passion Earns Irvine 2022 IA Conservation Woman of the Year, as well as Women in Agriculture - What They Bring to the Table. Click the box below to read the full newsletter!

Building A Pond
- Walnut & Indian Creek Watershed Newsletter
September has been a busy month for pond construction! IDALS provides fantastic cost share opportunities to construct them anywhere in the Nishnabotna watershed. If you would like a pond, contact us today! Click the box below to see some of the many steps of constructing a pond.

2023 Iowa Nitrogen Initiative Trials
- Help Improve Iowa's Nitrogen Fertilizer Recommendations
" Iowa State University is recruiting farmers and certified crop advisers to help improve Iowa's nitrogen fertilizer recommendations to benefit the productivity, profitability, and environmental performance of Iowa agriculture. Participants will join a growing group of Iowa farmers who partner with ISU to better understand nitrogen managements on their own farms and other farms throughout the state." - ISU Department of Agronomy
To learn more about the Iowa Nitrogen Initiative, grower requirements, the benefits of participating in this trial, how to participate, and project contacts see here:
and visit the second page of the document.

Southwest Iowa Farmer Wins Environmental Leader Award
A Southwest Iowa Farmer, Jerry Laughlin, has received an Environmental Leader Award for his dedication to conservation. Dan Case met with Jerry to learn more about his operation and the benefits he has seen from participating in conservation programs.
"On April 4th in a year with seven-dollar corn and sixteen-dollar beans one would expect to find any farmer in the Midwest topping off the fuel tank of their tractor and greasing the last zerk of their planter preparing themselves to begin the infamous race of who can be finished planting first. But that day was different. As I made my way up to Jerry Laughlin’s machine shed, I encountered a completely different and refreshing scene." - Dan Case
To read the full article click here:

Abbie Willett Selected as 2022 Scholarship Recipient
Abbie Willett, a recent graduate of AHSTW has been selected as the 2022 East Pottawattamie SWCD Scholarship winner! Abbie will be attending Doane University in Crete, Nebraska, and plans to major in Biochemistry on a Pre-health track. She will receive a $500 scholarship at the district level. Congratulations Abbie!!

Education Demonstration at the East Pottawattamie County Fair
This past Saturday we had the opportunity to bring the Conservation Education Trailer, with the rainfall simulator and stream table, to the East Pottawattamie County Fair!!
We also got the chance to meet and speak with Governor Kim Reynolds about all of the amazing conservation work East Pottawattamie SWCD is doing!
Thank you to everyone who stopped by! If you'd like to learn more about the rainfall simulator, the stream table, or things you can do at home to practice conservation, find that below!

Farm Bill Wildlife Biologist Quarterly Report
April- June 2022
Hello! If we have not yet met, my name is Tabitha Panas and I am the new Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever Farm Bill Biologist covering Pottawattamie, Harrison, and Shelby counties. My home office is the Council Bluffs Service Center and I began in this role on June 1st. I was able to hit the ground running this past month, as I have been the Farm Bill Biologist previously for Crawford, Carroll, Sac and Ida counties just to the north of this area. This past month I have...

State Cost Share Funds Now Available for Soil Health and Water Quality Practices
Farmers and landowners can now sign up for cost share funding through the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship to adopt soil health and water quality conservation practices. This program includes planting cover crops, transitioning acres to no-till / strip-till soil management, or applying a nitrification inhibitor. Cost share funding is limited to 160 acres per farmer or landowner, and will be available in July. However, farmers can start submitting applications immediately to their local Soil and Water Conservation District Offices!

Women, Land & Legacy Newsletter June 2022
In the June Issue of the Women, Land & Legacy newsletter, you will find a description of the Women, Land & Legacy (WLL) project and how to be involved! You will also find information about future WLL events, an interesting article discussing a study that explored the importance of U.S. female farmers, and upcoming WLL involvement opportunities!

Farm Bill Wildlife Biologist
Quarterly Report (April-July)
My major focus this quarter was delivering outreach events. Of course I still took care of the needs of my producers, but with nice weather and easing of COVID restrictions, I wanted to provide some broader habitat good. I was able to present at 14 different events this quarter, including the first of my Habitat Help Hour webinar series (discussed below), several habitat booths at local farmers markets.....

Conservation Districts of Iowa (CDI) - May Connections
The Conservation Districts of Iowa (CDI) informs, educates, and leads Iowans through our local soil and water conservation districts to promote conservation of natural resources.
In this issue you can find the Executive Director's Report, updates about the Iowa Envirothon, and see how we celebrated Iowa Soil & Water Conservation Week!
McGrew Brothers Finding Success in Cover Crop Management
As Steve McGrew climbs out of his sprayer he portrays a sense of confidence and comfort only a veteran cover cropper would have after a cold spring with tall rye. Steve and his brothers Bill, David, Robert, and nephew Bill, planted 1,500 acres of cover crops last Fall on both corn and bean ground. Managing 1,500 acres of cover crops is no small task but Steve has found ways to make it more than manageable.
Cover Crop Efforts Continue in Walnut & Indian Creek
Landowners and producers located in the Walnut and Indian Creek watershed will again have the opportunity to participate in a special effort spearheaded by the Iowa Water Quality Initiative and the Soil and Water Conservation Districts located in Shelby, East Pottawattamie, Montgomery, Mills, Page, and Fremont county.
"Farmers can use state cost share funds to add soil health..."
Mike Naig announced that farmers and landowners can sign up now for state cost share funds to help adopt soil health and water quality practices. The funding can be used for in-field management practices, including planting cover crops, transitioning acres to no-till/strip-till soil management, or applying a nitrification inhibitor.
Soil and Water Conservation Week
Iowa Soil and Water Conservation Week is celebrated in conjunction with Stewardship Week, sponsored by the National Association of Conservation Districts.
Join in the celebration by connecting with the Iowa Department of Agriculture & Land Stewardship:
Farm Bill Wildlife Biologist - Quarterly Report (April)
Jason Andersen,
The winter months can be tough on morale, but I keep my mood up by using that time for planning projects. This quarter I worked on several project proposals for the spring as well as a bunch of management and burn plans. March was especially busy as producers were gearing up to get to work with the warmer weather...
East Pottawattamie County SWCD 2020 Annual Report
It's our favorite time of year! The 2020 Annual Report has been published! Although this past year was filled with uncertainty the East Pottawattamie SWCD has been able to make great strides towards their mission to conserve Iowa's natural resources through leadership, education and technical & financial assistance. Take a read to see what your local Soil and Water Conservation District was up to this year and see some of the new faces they have added to the team!
Farm Bill Wildlife Biologist - Quarterly Report (December)
Fall is the time to go to the field - nice weather, few annoying bugs, and lots of plans and wildlife to look at! I was able to get out in the filed quite a bit this quarter, to meet with producers and evaluate seedings. It was also a good opportunity to work on my dormant plant identification skills. Unfortunately, my fun was rudely interrupted by winter...
Fiscal Year 2020 At-a-Glance Iowa NRCS
This document gives a detailed breakdown of the 2020 Fiscal Year Program Accomplishments for he Iowa NRCS. Some of the programs detailed are the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP), Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP), Iowa Conservation Innovation Grants, and other conservation activities. Numbers of grant obligations, contracts, and cost-share practices are divided and displayed by county.
Iowa Farm Families Receive Environmental Leader Award
Forty-two Iowa farmers have been selected to receive the 2020 Iowa Farm Environmental Leader Award. Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds, Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig and Department of Natural Resources Director Kayla Lyon recognize these Iowa farm families for taking an active role in the state's ongoing conservation efforts, which rely on farmers, landowners and businesses working together to make a difference..
NRCS Obligates Nearly $60 Million to Iowa Farmers
USDA's Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) contracted with Iowa farmers and landowners to treat natural resources on more than 316,000 acres, obligating $59.8 million in financial assistance during fiscal year 2020 that ended Sept. 30. NRCS also wrote 12,624 conservation plans that cover 889,071 acres, during fiscal year 2020. The conservation plans will help Iowa farmers reduce soil erosion, improve soil heath and water quality, increase wildlife habitat, and treat other environmental issues.
East Pottawattamie County SWCD 2019 Annual Report
The East Pottawattamie Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) is a subdivision of the Iowa State Government, Conservation Districts of Iowa. It consists of Pottawattamie County's eastern 13 townships and Washington Township. The East Pottawattamie SWCD has a locally elected governing board of commissioners who direct the programs of the District.
Pottawattamie County Bridges Stream Sign Project
This project will help educate and identify some of the major streams and watersheds in Pottawattamie County. Over the past three years, 57 stream signs have been added at bridges throughout our county. This project has been successful because of cooperation and contributions of many partners, including both East and West Pottawattamie Soil and Water Conservation Districts.
Pheasants Forever
Pheasants Forever is dedicated to the conservation of pheasants, quail and other wildlife through habitat improvements, public awareness, education and land management policies and programs.
How do we achieve this mission across more than 45 U.S. states and parts of Canada? Through the dedicated efforts of our:
-149,000 members
-Diverse staff including more than 150 wildlife biologists
-More than 700 local chapters
Want to Become a Commissioner? Here's How!
If you're qualified to vote in a Pottawattamie County general election, you're an eligible candidate for election to the East Pottawattamie County Soil and Water Conservation District board. Each district is governed by five commissioners who are elected at a general elections on a nonpartisan basis for four-year terms. only one commissioner may reside in any single township. You'll need a nominating petition from the county Auditor or SWCD office.