The East Pottawattamie Soil & Water Conservation District (SWCD) was organized at the request of local residents interested in soil and water conservation. The East Pott SWCD was officially formed in 1942. A charter was issued under the provisions of the Soil Conservation Districts' Law, Code of Iowa, Chapter 467A, on November 20, 1942. In the state of Iowa the geographical boundaries of the County and Conservation District are usually the same. However Pottawattamie County is split into East & West Pottawattamie Conservation Districts. There are 100 total districts in the state.
The SWCD board is composed of five elected Commissioners. They hold monthly meetings that are open to the public. They also conduct periodic Local Working Group meetings to obtain input and investment of community members and organizations. Their conservation efforts include education and outreach, and they form partnerships that protect and improve the soil and water resources of the district. To review the District's current 5- year plan, please click here.