Rural Programs
Low Interest Loan
The Iowa Water Quality Loan Fund is a source of low-cost financing available to landowners for eligible practices. Loans may range from $5000 up to $500,000 per borrower with terms up to 15 years. You can fund up to 100% of the actual costs at an interest for the life of the loan through your local lender. The practice must meet NRCS specifications.
Conservation Reserve
The Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) is a voluntary program for agricultural landowners.. Through CRP, you can receive annual rental payments and cost-share assistance to establish long-term, resource conserving convers on eligible farmland. The Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) makes annual rental payments based on the agricultural rental value of the land, and it rovides cost-share assistance up to 50 percent of the participants cost in establishing approved conservation practices.
Conservation Stewardship Program
Through CSP, NRCS will provide financial and technical assistance to eligible producers to conserve and enhance soil, water, air, and related natural resources on their land. Eligible lands include cropland, grassland, prairie land, pastureland, rangeland, nonindustrial private forest lands, agricultural land under the jurisdiction of an Indian tribe, and other private agricultural land.
Environmental Quality Incentives Program
The Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) is a voluntary conservation program that helps agricultural producers in a manner that promotes agricultural production and environmental quality. Through EQIP, agricultural producers receive financial and technical assistance to implement structural and management conservation practices that optimize environmental benefits on working agricultural land.
Resource Enhancement And Protection (REAP)
These funds are available to landowners for soil and water conservation and enhancement projects and practices. Project money is directed towards protecting the state's surface and ground water resources from point and non-point sources of contamination. Project money is directed towards reforestation, woodland protection and enhancement, protection of highly erodible soils, and water quality protection.
Rental Equipment
Before field work picks up, it would be good to review plans and see if any new conservation practices are needed. There are state and local cost share funds available to install terraces, waterways, and various other conservation practices. With planning assistance, cost share availability, and equipment provided, what’s holding you back?

No-Till Drill
A 10' No-Till Drill is available for $10/acre with a $100 minimum use fee. Native & small seed boxes. Call 712-328-2489 or stop in for more details. A lease/waiver is signed when checking it out. Each user is expected to clean it out and grease prior to returning.